Industrial Disease
Industrial disease claims have an added complexity to an accident at work claim since the injury or illness concerned is sustained over an extended period of time; usually, this is over the entire period of employment and only picked up later on in life when the symptoms can have devastating effects. To discuss your potential industrial disease claim call us on 01204 257 123.
In accident at work claims, claimants have three years from the date of the accident to issue proceedings at court. This is known as the limitation period. With industrial disease claims, however, this three-year period starts when the symptoms of your illness are starting to be significantly noticed and affecting your life.
helping you through Industrial Disease Claims

As occupational diseases can vary so greatly, in addition to their causes, compensation claims equally differ in size. However, our highly skilled law team are placed perfectly to provide the legal advice required in order to secure compensation.
Common Types of Industrial Disease
We cover a wide range of services, helping our clients with all of their legal issues.